Monday, February 25, 2013


My apologies for the brief hiatus - if you can avoid it, don´t get bitten by one of these:

The little bastards like to hide in the house in the winter in closets and bedding.  Loxosceles rufescens - European cousin to the Brown Recluse, fortunately not packing the same punch.  Just a nasty itchy, achey welt exactly where I can´t reach to scratch it.

Started a pretty post on shutters, then realized that a) mostly they´re interior shutters in Galicia and b) we won´t be able to afford any for a while.  Started a post on  Ruth Stout, and discovered that an interesting video has been removed from Youtube, so I´ll wait.

Been spending some time number crunching for the next phase on the house, hopefully updating soon.

So in the meantime an amusing animal video.   I laughed. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Galician harp

The harp is one instrument that I haven´t seen featured in Galician music.  So I was pleasantly surprised when I caught a performance of Rodrigo Romani with a selection from his new CD ¨As Arpas de Breogán¨ on RTVG.

Mr. Romani was a founding member of the group Milladoiro, recording 12 records and is also a founder of the Municipal School of Traditional and Folk Music in Vigo .

In the contemporary folk of As Arpas de Breogán there´s a pleasing jazz fusion component along with the melifluous vocals threading through his original compositions and adaptations of traditional tunes.

Romani has three solo albums - Albeida (2001), Cantos Caucanos (2003) and Breogan Harp (2012).

Sunday, February 3, 2013

In Sports News

Folks on this side of the pond may not necessarily be aware, but today is marked by a major sporting event in the US.  A marathon of emotion, spectacle, it´s a highly anticipated annual event that I know I look forward to every year.

Puppy Bowl IX!

It has everything - action, athleticism, controversial calls by the ref, a glittering half-time show, skycam blimp shots and politically questionable ploys for ratings grabbing (I find it exploitative to put cheerleading hedgehogs in tutu skirts - inexcusable pandering in my view).  Cue video.

Puppies and kittens are flown in from shelters all over the country to participate.  Per an article in the LA Times ¨Last year's Puppy Bowl marked the channel's highest day of Web traffic, with 5.5 million page views and 1.4 million videos streamed. . .¨

So pull up a bucket of wings and some nachos and settle in for an old fashioned American cheesy good time.

For extensive coverage go to Animal Planet.

Still more behind the scenes on BuzzFeed.