Monday, March 11, 2019

Gardening with a Puppy

Briga is 5 months old now.  On the plus side, she´s beautiful and healthy and starting to have moments of calm.  One the other hand, she´s very naughty and is convinced she´s a goat.  She´s never seen anything she didn´t want to climb.  Walls, structures, tables, she wants a bird´s eye view.

So V was in Madrid for work for a week and we started out with this.  Briga is also intensely interested in mining studies.  She has started excavations all around the property.  This is a dry stack planter for a grape vine we hope will eventually shade the south facing façade of the house.  We stacked some extra rock around the grapevine to discourage her attentions.

A couple of days later, I went out the kitchen door to find this. Note the presence of her ¨supervisor.¨

Besides the digging and the climbing, she has knocked over or broken off a bunch of the ranunculus and snapdragons and dug up roses and dianthus.  She´s recently started in on the tulips emerging from the ground and pulled out all the gladiolus bulbs from the raised beds.

Oh, and nobody bothered to tell me that bagged, pelleted organic horse manure is like crack to dogs.  Both of them had their heads in the plant containers for days after I put it out.

Sturdy fencing will have to wait until the expanded planting area is disced once more, probably in April, and then I can start sinking fence posts.

And then V came home.  (Notice the Briga effect on the other planter.)


  1. Oh memories, memories, memories, of when I have had puppies. Sooner or later we shall have another one, as Maz, our rottweiller, is starting to pack on the years. Looking forward to the energy and fun of a new youngster in the family, but not looking forward to the training time, especially with my raised beds right outside the front door, and the animals on site!

  2. Hi Vera,

    I keep telling myself that she´ll only be a puppy once and I should be taking lots of pics and enjoying the process, but the destruction and vigilance is exhausting.

    And the raised bed is now dug up again.

  3. Hi Coco,

    Naughty Briga, and poor Breo can only look on with a growing sense of despondency at the youthful hi-jinks! Briga is a very attractive dog, and to be honest she looks a bit like Ollie the cattle dog (it's a bit uncanny), who at the age of one and a bit has calmed down. Good luck and that is quite the collection of helpful gardening assistance by the obstreperous Briga!

    Yeah, horse manure, wombat manure, they're into it. :-) But beware the blood and bone garden additive. It was just wrong. Naughty dogs. I added it to the soil where the corn grew (all the corn was removed a week or two back). Oh well.


  4. Hi Chris,

    I can´t find blood and bone meal here, even on Amazon. So odd. But now I have 3 sacks of the manure pellets and will have to dig it in. Breo found a pasture full of cow pats on a walk and was in heaven. Yuck.

    A cordial wag of the tail to the furry gang down under!!

  5. Hi, Coco!

    I've been sick . . . but it cheers me immensely to see the beautiful Briga, and hear of her antics! I am well on the mend now. I hope you find this as I see this post has been up awhile. If not - there's always next time!

